Meet Jack,
Town Council Member
First-Term Councilman Jack Perry is a successful small business owner, entrepreneur, and passionate community leader. He was elected on a promise to bring a new voice, fresh ideas, and better government to Southington. In the two years since Jack rolled up his sleeves and got to work, he has provided an accessible office and an objective voice for Southington’s residents and business owners. He has fostered community involvement by hosting listening events, surveys, volunteerism, and philanthropy with community organizations.
A fierce advocate for the responsible use of taxpayer money in these challenging economic times, Perry pushed for a second library referendum. He successfully implemented his proposed procurement reforms that will modernize the town’s operations and stretch taxpayer dollars further than ever before. Delivering results from a minority position demonstrates his ability to collaborate with fellow council members to drive progress. At the same time, Jack has often been an independent voice that does not back down when behaviors and actions violate the public interest or threaten to undermine government transparency and accountability. Councilman Perry has fought to add term limits into the charter revision, pushed back against nepotism, and has consistently fought to ensure minority representation laws are upheld for appointed office.

Jack’s Priorities


Paid for by Perry 2023, Candice Mazzarella, Treasurer. Approved by Jack Perry